Next Steps
Next Steps
Have you been visiting Lake Junaluska First Baptist Church for a few weeks, and you're not sure where to go next? There are many ways you can get involved at the church, but first, consider membership. Once you become a member, there are a select number of groups for the whole family on Sunday, as well as throughout the week.
Those desiring to further their commitment to the local church will take a step toward church membership. Membership is a way to express commitment with fellow believers. If you are ready to take this Next Step, contact the church office or speak to a pastor. Go to the contact page and leave a message if you are ready to consider membership at the church.

Groups are a great way to make connections in the church. The function of our many different groups is to provide an atmosphere of community and spiritual growth. There are groups that can meet you in whatever stage of life you are in. Go to the contact page to ask any questions that you might have regarding our many groups.