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We want to make it as easy as possible for you to give both your regular tithe as well as special offerings. The Bible teaches that everything we possess belongs to God. He has made us stewards over it; meaning we take care of it for Him. Because it is His, we should give faithfully from everything God has given us.
Through your gifts, you are making a difference in the lives of people both in this community and around the world as we endeaver to make disciples of all people. Your donation is tax deductible and you may receive a statement by calling the church office at (828) 452-0131. Thank you for giving.

We'd be happy to address any questions or concerns you have – feel free to call the church office at (828) 452-0131 or email the church office directly at info@ljfbc.org. Also, you can always give during worship services, or you can drop off or mail your check to the church office at 154 Sunset Ridge Rd. Clyde, NC 28721.